Das online Wirtschaftsspiel
Miniconomy ist ein gratis zu spielen Wirtschaftssimulation worin du kannst handeln mit tausenden anderen Spieler. Neben Handeln, kannst du auch andere Berufe ausüben, wie Polizist, Bürgermeister von einer der Städte, Bankier und sogar Präsident. Miniconomy hat eine gute Gemeinschaft mit aktiven und freundlichen Spielern.
In der virtuellen Welt, wo Jeder ein Ziel hat und Jeder eine Rolle spielt, wählst du wie du dein virtuelles Leben führst: Möchtest du den Reichtum, die Macht, möchtest du neue Freunde kennen lernen oder möchtest du ein Politiker werden?
Du kannst wählen: in Miniconomy ist alles möglich!
shops built
since the start of the round (5 days ago )
44,242,236 ISH
money spent
since the start of the round (5 days ago )
products produced
since the start of the round (5 days ago )
As a loyal player during many many rounds and inbetween rounds I have seen this game change every other round with small adaptions, bug fixes, new elements, and changes involving the real live issues in the world. The game itself is basically a trading game but grew by adding real life behavior by the players. You will find theft, robbery, shooting, bombing, police, justice, lawyer, laws, ect. If you play a bit longer you will see real life behavior in playing characters. This means that young players learn in this game real life complexity in trade, deals, planning,working together. And this all without advertising in the game. It is all thanks to the devotion of a group of players that realizes each few rounds a new idea that slowly changes game play. They listen to the comments and remarks of the whole player group and succeed in realizing to bring balance back in the game when its needed. I play this game almost since it was released as a trade game, missed hardly no rounds and still enjoy playing it, seeing a copy of the real world each round. Do not hesitate to join this game.-- zwabber (Miniconomy player), 2024